There are countless dough recipes for homemade fresh pasta (which simply cannot be compared with conventional dried industrial pasta).
Here is ours:
Pasta al Jana (for 8 persons)
400 g flour (type 405)
75 g durum wheat semolina
12 egg yolks (size L)
4 tbsp cold water
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
The dough is kneaded, left 30 min. to rest and then rolled out flat with a rolling pin to suit the type of pasta. Then, for example, the ingenious rolling pins (the name is right!) are used to cut the pasta dough into more or less narrow strips for pappardelle, tagliatelle or 3mm spaghetti (our favorite!). Depending on the recipe and desired consistency, dry the pasta strips briefly on the pasta dryer before placing them in boiling salted water – never use too little water, never put the lid on! After two to four minutes, the pasta is ready and jumps out of the pot straight into the sauce prepared in the pan.
Our favorites:
- Good (!) sea salt butter, pepper, salt, fresh sage (al burro da salvia …)
- only slightly heated good olive oil in which garlic, a few diced onions and peppers have been sautéed (al peperoncino; if you add fresh or canned tomatoes, capers and/or green pepper, you can call it all'arrabiata)
- a long-cooked tomato sauce made from good fresh or canned tomatoes with garlic, onions and lots of fresh herbs (the "sugo version")
- at the end (and this applies to almost all variations): freshly grated or shaved Parmigiano Reggiano cheese on top ... and black pepper.
If you have tried this and are now also addicted to pasta, you can start experimenting with other and filled variations: Gnocchi, ravioli, tortellini, agnolotti, cappelletti, panzerotti … we can easily keep ourselves busy with these until our next Italian vacation. We have put together many different variations of boards, trays, rolls and punches for the various filled and other specialty varieties for you on the new product pages in the catalogue. We have tried them all …

Unsere Favoriten
- Gute (!) Meersalzbutter, Pfeffer, Salz, frischer Salbei (al burro da salvia …)
- nur leicht erhitztes gutes Olivenöl, in dem Knoblauch, ein paar Zwiebelwürfel und Peperoni angeschwitzt wurden (al peperoncino; wer noch frische oder Dosentomaten, Kapern und/oder grünen Pfeffer hinzufügt, darf all’arrabiata sagen)
- eine lang gekochte Tomatensauce aus guten frischen oder Dosentomaten mit Knoblauch, Zwiebeln und vielen frischen Kräutern (die „Sugo-Variante“)
- am Schluss (und das gilt für fast alle Varianten): frisch geriebener oder gehobelter Parmigiano Reggiano drüber … und schwarzer Pfeffer.