What payment methods are available?

25.04.2024 - FAQ , Payment methods

The payment methods we offer for retail are prepayment, payment on account and direct debit. The invoice procedure is only available to you from the second order onwards.


If you wish to pay in advance, please be sure to wait for our final pro forma invoice and do not pay in advance based on your order, as the scope of your order may still change - e.g. in the event of availability problems. - Thank you very much!

If you pay by invoice, we expect your payment within 14 days with 2% discount; within 30 days net without deduction. Please note that this payment option is only available from your 2nd order onwards. For first-time customers, only the prepayment option is available.

Direct debit
If you wish to pay by direct debit, we will debit the invoice amount directly from your account within 8 days with a 3% discount. To do this, you must first issue us with a mandate, which you can download here and then send to us by post or as a signed PDF.

Here you will find the current SEPA direct debit mandate